My birth story💙


I haven’t shared a whole lot about my delivery with my son, Corbin. Mainly because I would cry every time I would think about it or talk about it. But I want to brag on God for a minute. I woke up one morning the week before I had him & thought my water had broken and went to the hospital to be told it had definitely broken to then be told an hour later that it hadn’t. After that day I didn’t feel Corbin move very much. At my doctors appointment a couple of days later I told my doctor about not feeling him and they hooked me up to the monitors. Corbin hated the monitors so of course he kicked them to death and they told me he was moving fine. Deep down I felt like something was wrong. I told my family all week I had a gut feeling I would have to have a c section and was praying for the week to pass by fast so I could get to my induction date. I got induced Wednesday night, June 26th. Everything was going smooth that night. The next morning, June 27th, my doctor came in and broke my water and after a little while Corbins heart rate started declining with every contraction. I remember the nurses running in and giving me oxygen and flipping me over to my side to make his heart rate go back up. It went from 150 to 70 in a matter of seconds. The doctor came in and told me that if Corbins heart did that again that we would have to do an emergency c section. Again, my gut feeling was telling me to just get ready. So I told the doctor we would just go ahead and go. They got my husband Drew dressed and took us straight down to the OR. I remember them telling me when Corbin was born they would hold him up so I could see him. Minutes passed by and I still couldn’t see him.. or hear him. I turn my head and I see a nurse run with him. My heart sank. My little baby was born not breathing and it was the longest 2 minutes of my life waiting to hear him cry. While they were working with him I was praying for God to just give my baby breath in his lungs. & that first cry was music to my ears. I have never felt more relieved in my life. They told me that if we had waited 5 more minutes it would have been a different story- more than likely Corbin would have been still born. He is healthy & happy. & Weighed 7’5 and was 20 inches long! I just want to thank God for blessing Drew & I with Corbin. He is such an amazing baby that we prayed for for so long and had such a hard time conceiving & already has a testimony that we are going to share. & also- I’m a little over a week out on my c section and can’t even tell I’ve had a major surgery. I feel amazing. & I absolutely love being Corbins mommy. 💙 &

I also can’t quit staring at his precious face 😍😍😍