Depression 😩

Well the title basically explains the problem, depression is something that runs through my family and I’d always managed it before but ever since I fell pregnant I’ve been down so much 😩 understandably it’s frustrating my fiancé as he hates it when I put myself down. Idk how to make myself happy at this point. He makes me happy but the slightest thing makes me upset and it’s driving me insane😩 we live in the middle of nowhere and don’t have a lot of money so I can’t afford to pick up a hobby to distract myself. I used to train horses but I had to sell my girl and my working dog so I’ve been lonely in that department.

Does anyone else have issues with their emotions during pregnancy?

Any ideas of things I could do to bring up my mood?

My fiancé wants me to be happy so I feel horrible that I can’t get a hold of these negative emotions 😔