
so i’m only posting this bc i just want to know others opinions. i’m not looking for judgement even though i’m prepared for it.

i cheated. i cheated on my boyfriend of going on 3 years. i cheated due to him suffocating me within our relationship (not letting me go out or see friends or i can’t wear this, you get it.) i know it’s no excuse whatsoever, i’m not looking for sympathy.

we’ve decided to keep trying after many talks and fights, which i was incredibly happy about being i did not enjoy cheating or being a cheater. i loved my boyfriend, just not what he was doing to me.

a few months have gone by, and now i’m noticing he’s liking girls pictures on instagram. like obviously showing ass and very obviously prettier than me. i tried to talk to him about it but he just brings me cheating up again and again. i just want to know why all of a sudden he’s liking these pictures and it’s making me feel more than insecure. when i cheated, the guy was nothing compared to him and he knows that. but i don’t compare to these girls. i don’t feel like he’s interested or as attracted in me and i can’t get a straight answer out of him about why he’s doing this all of a sudden. i guess i just want to know what you guys think i should do or something. i already looked up workout videos and diets, i guess if anyone has any lower back and lower stomach exercises that work let me know. i’m just at a loss and i’m not sure what i should do about it. thanks for reading and not judging me too much