Helpful or hurtful?

I’ve seen too many post of women coming to express the concerns they have or coming to vent about something and being judge for it. I’m almost absolutely sure that this wasn’t created to be a place where I’d have to think twice about coming to voice anything that I’m going through. Regardless if you agree or not, whatever choice I make or whatever I’m going through if you have nothing helpful or positive to say about it move the hell on. Regardless if it’s about me having unprotected sex without being or birth control, seeking a safe way to terminate a pregnancy, having period trouble and loads of other shit I see women, GROWN WOMEN pointing fingers at people you know nothing about. It’s sick! Speak good things into anyone no matter the situation because you never know how difficult it is to speak to the people around you and the one place they feel safe enough to run to for comfort they get ridiculed. Grow the fuck up!