Help!! Relationship....

Heartbroken. My boyfriend has things in our relationship that he'd like to improve. Things he'd like me to be more mature about. Disclaimer: The things he wishes I'd be better about are completely valid cause everyone in my life that cares about me says the same things. I need to be less late and more forward thinking, and more considerate of other people's time, etc. I am horrible with time management.

But my bf and I got in a fight over these issues and I at the TIME didn't feel it was a moment that applied to his complaints. He decided to get violent to get my attention and throw things, back me to the wall, and took my $300 glasses off my face and threatened to break them if I didn't listen and repeat after him. Mind you I had no contacts so I couldn't have left and gone home. I couldn't see. I was scared I was stuck and blind so I did as he said. He eventually gave them back but I think this was so so so wrong on so many levels.... I understand he's fed up but there is literally no circumstance that I would find this acceptable in our relationship. I don't cheat, I don't take anything of his and I don't take his money. I'm so so sad and feel lost.