Rational and irrational


My mil and I have been off on the wrong foot for a few years. Pretty sure she is aware of her comments are hurtful yet unaware of the grudge I bare towards her. Now I have given birth to her first biological grandchild. I have a tough time with her being around. This is causing problems in our marriage. She says rude comments I am angered by them my husband supports his mom. This cycle is exhausting.

We agreed she wasn't watching him yet. But today he brought our 2 and a half month old over there and left the baby with her while he worked on his dads projects and to do lists. Baby came home with a sun burn. I am angry. He had sunscreen and a hat packed. I told my husband to use them he wasn't the one caring for our child. He is upset with me because he said his mom cried because she got to spend the whole day to herself with the baby. I am so upset I was never comfortable with that and that wasn't our agreement.

I am really struggling with all of this and he doesn't seem to think it is rational. That he should get a say if his parents who are 65 and 79 can watch a baby. A baby that I only left in the care of my mom at our home for no more then 2 hours. I am just so upset. He is so defensive of his mom and I feel so alone.

I cannot even sleep I am so upset i just keep crying.

In 3 months I have to have surgery and will need to help and trust people to care for my child and I don't feel comfortable that my baby is going to be looked after properly and my wishes will be met. I just want to call off the whole surgery and not let him just leave with the baby all day again.

I should clearly state my husband has only ever spent a total of 3 hours ever alone with our baby himself. So him mom having him all day for 6 is just mind blowing to me.

I cannot stop crying that this fight has happened.