I may have changed my mind

Okay so I’ve been married just over a year, with my husband for 7 years. We were young when we first got together (18/19) and have grown together through many ups and downs. We were always firmly against getting married and having children, we got married last year after changing our minds on the matter. Now, 14 months later I think I may be changing my mind about kids. I’m not sure, it’s just something I’m thinking a lot about and exploring my feelings. I’m scared to bring it up with my husband, I don’t want him to feel weird or pressured or anything like that. I’m also worried because what if it actually turns out to be what I want and he still doesn’t, I know it would have been a deal breaker for me years ago. I’m just so confused. I’m not even sure if it would be something I want so don’t know why I’m freaking out about it.