What do I do? Long distance or no

Hey ladies right now I’m struggling with what I should do. My fiancé and I live far away in a state that is about 10 hours from my closest family. We were originally only supposed to be here for a few months but now it’s turned into over a year and a half and no end in sight. My fiancé has to stay here until at least May of next year do to a work contract and I don’t know if I can do it. I miss my family and friends and I can’t get a job here that’s in my field. I basically feel like my life is on hold until we move. Lately I’ve been feeling like this is all too much and have began to think that maybe I should just move back and my fiancé and I will do long distance until he can move too. But I don’t know if that’ll make things better as it’ll fix one thing but break another. What would you do? Do long distance but love somewhere you love and be close to family, as well as be able to get a better job, or stay in some place you hate and be far from family and can’t get a good job but be with your SO?