Has anyone had to chose between two guys before?? Short-ish post


Meet someone through a friend in April who quickly took a liking to me. He is in the military and currently stationed in Asia. Asked me to be his girlfriend after two weeks but because of the distance I wanted us to just stay in contact and see where it goes. He’s been laying on the pressure to be more. We talk everyday and he said he loves me and wants me to consider moving to Asia.

4 months of knowing each other.

I was 18 I meet a guy that I immediately started having feelings for. Didn’t tell him right away. he found out through a mutual friend. Eventually we got together but he broke my heart. Said we’d be friends but ignored each other. He moved to finish school and to start his career then came back in town to visit and asked to see me then apologized. Spent the next year or so catching up then i visited him. Recently he said he feels like we have a real connection and apologized again for how things went the first time around and pretty much asked me to move in with him.

I’ve known him for almost 6 years.

These two men are amazing but I don’t want to waste anyone’s time. However, I don’t have much going for me right now so I feel the need to focus on myself and chose neither. Should I focus on me, or choose between them? if I should choose, then which one?

Thank you for your time 😬