Where should I place it?


So I’m getting my 2nd tattoo Monday! But I’m stuck at where to place it! It will be this but my grandparents initials

I have this one on my right wrist

What are some placement ideas?!

I’m wanting a left wrist tattoo(have that in mind just waiting for then artist to approve and I’ll get that another time)

I also eventually want to get a finger tattoo on my left finger along with my husband getting one on his left ( waaaay later on)

Then in eventually get one with my niece on my right arm( near the cross depending on what she draws. That’ll be 5 years since she’s 13 haha)

Do you think it will be too much on one? Am I overthinking this?! (I tend to do that haha!!)

Thank you for any suggestions!!

Update! I ended up getting it today but I’m in love 😍