
Hello ladies.. To call this the worst week ever would be an understatement. I started bleeding last Thursday, but didn't think much of it. It continued into Friday, so I called the doctor, and they didn't seem concerned either. They said if it lasted more than 4-5 days or for worse, to go to the ER but most likely it was normal. I went to the ER Sunday with increased cramping and the bleeding was a little stronger. They did bloodwork and and ultrasound which showed "fetal demise with impending spontaneous abortion". What a lovely way to phrase it. I ended up back in the ER on Tuesday with horrible pain and still bleeding. They repeated my blood work and said my hcg dropped. Three times in the ER I had episodes where I had huge gushes of blood with large clots. I pretty much knew it was definite at this point. I followed up at the doctor yesterday, where he gave me 3 options.. Miscarry naturally over the next few weeks; take a medicine and it would happen over the next 24-48 hours at home (and be very painful with a lot of blood); or go in for a d&c. I chose to go with the medicine, and I did it yesterday. It was an awful experience-- so much blood, horrible pain (even with meds), and just physically and emotionally exhausting. I was even wishing I had just done the d&c. I'm still not sure I picked the best option, but I was terrified of the *small* risks of surgery and the effect it would have on conceiving again. Has anyone done the misoprostol and gotten pregnant soon after? My doctor says I need to wait three months but that seems like an eternity! I just want to move on and try again for our baby, I feel like I've waited long enough!