separation anxiety advice?

ive struggled with separation anxiety since being a little girl. i found it very difficult to be away from my parents etc and grew up thinking it was normal to feel like that as i was young. it calmed down for a long time and i was able to cope but in the past year and a half-ish im experiencing it full force again.

i find it extremely difficult to leave my boyfriend. i work a part time weekend job alongside going to university and have called in on multiple occasions due to having had panic attacks caused by just the thought of having to leave him for a few hours. i know it is dangerous to depend on someone for this but my safe space is with him and having to go to work and classes feels like a threat to that. i know it sounds so stupid.

if anyone has any advice on how to cope with separation anxiety i would really appreciate it, im just finding it extremely difficult to cope and it is interfering with absolutely everything :(