Signs from beyond


I just wanted to share this because I think its just crazy!! My boyfriends dad and I were talking yesterday about this. So my bfs mom passed away last week, she had stage 4 cancer. His dad was telling me how she said she kept randomly finding pennies a few weeks before she passed. Which is a tale if you find pennies it’s from a passed loved one leaving you a sign. And he said on monday(exactly a week after she passed) he grabbed something out of the fridge and a Penny just came flying out of no where!

So the day that she died, we went over to the house later that morning. She had this decoration on the coffee table that has a fake candle in it. My son would always mess with this and she would tell him no. Now I don’t ever remember this candle being lit up. Mind you I was there often as she use to babysit our son, and just to visit. So anyways my son was messing with this decoration I was just like eh whatever he can just mess with it. So he started messing with the candle and he put it back in the holder and the candle lit up! I swear it was her sign that she’s still there watching him. I told his dad and he looked at me with wide eyes and also said he doesn’t ever remember that candle being lit either and believed it was her.

Another story. A tale “a cardinal appears when an angle is near”. The day of my great uncles funeral we were back at his house as we are going through pictures and reminiscing I looked out the window and a cardinal was sitting right at the window!

Another time after my uncle had also passed. I was on my way home thinking about them and started telling my 1 year old at the time how my great uncle really wanted to met him(I was pregnant when he died) and how my uncle loved him so much. Then I pulled up to our drive way and there were two cardinals sitting on his baby pool!

Sorry for the long random post. I just really wanted to share this because it’s crazy yet comforting knowing our loved ones are still with us❤️