Just Fluff (long post)


I see so much stuff in here about ex’s doing this or boyfriends doing that should I just go and leave. So I decided to brighten up whoever wants to read this long ass post lol

Me and my boyfriend met in 6th grade. He sat in front of me in homeroom and went to band too so I figured I would try to talk with this kinda cute guy. I was ignored. And i tried again. And I was ignored. So after about 20 minutes of having a one sided conversation I kinda just left him alone. During band him and one of his drummer friends would throw paper balls in my French horn. I was livid. And I don’t think he’s ever seen me shoot out of my seat so fast to yell at him XD

Few months pass and we’ve exchange some passing conversations because we’re in the same friend group. I caught all of the stares. I caught the drawings of me. I noticed everything and I still thought this dumb boy was still pretty cute.

7th grade and a few heart to hearts and it turns out he was in a bad place when we met and he really didn’t mean to make me angry or anything. He was just awful at making friends. It was obvious we had something for each other. Pretty much everyone knew but never commented on it. But we sat next to each other everyday at lunch and I would always feed him since he went home to six siblings and no food in the house left for him. And one day I don’t know but he found his courage to start flirting. Me being the oblivious little girl i am didn’t realize anything until he had homework lunch and would wiggle his eyebrows and wink at me from there to our table. And two days before valentines we have a big dance. I went with my girlfriends and he went with his guy friends. I can promise you they were mad I spent all my time dancing with him instead of joking with them. The end of the dance he hugs me and tells me how much he liked me and we start going out that night.

That was seventh grade. We were like 10-11 or something. It’s now tenth grade. We’re 15 and 16 with him older then me and we’ve had our ups and downs but we’re strong together. And on our third year anniversary he took me aside the night before and asked me my definition of a promise ring. The next day we exchanged promise rings with the promise to never stop loving the other and that one day we’d get married if we could or wanted.

I am very happy and I wouldn’t have it any other way.