Not-So-Humble Brag About My BF

I feel like there’s a lot of really upsetting stories on here that deter women from wanting a relationship, or puts self doubt into ever finding someone worth loving.

To the women who have been wronged by current/past partners - I FEEL YOU. You are strong, and brave, and you deserve better. Know your worth, and find someone worthy of your love ❤️

Anyway, it might sound really stupid to some people but I’m 18 and my boyfriend is 19. Call it puppy love, but we’ve been together 2 and a half years. If he popped the question tomorrow I’d say yes in a heartbeat.

Yesterday I was thinking of making this’s just crazy the level of comfort you can get with someone. I don’t think I could ever find it with someone else. He was taking a shit, while I was showering naked...nothing sexual. Just him keeping me company, doing his business, chatting away to me.

Strangely, in that moment I was like “fuck, this really is my best friend”

We’re together 24/7, we spend maybe a night or two away from each other and of course we have other commitments like work and university...but when we’re together, it’s always a good time and I never want to leave his side.

He makes me feel so special, and beautiful, and appreciated. We do small things for each other that mean a lot. I feel shit about how I look most days, but he NEVER fails to let me know how perfect I am in his eyes and how he wouldn’t change me for the world. I don’t think I’ve ever been more attracted to anyone more in my entire life.

Friday night we went out drinking with friends at the club (legal here, don’t worry!). We both just got smashed, kept telling our friends how much we loved each other. I’d be talking to my friends and he put his jacket around me, later on just had me on his leg. Of course, we went home at 4am, made tortellini and had messy drunk sex.

Basically, I think he’s my soul mate? He’s everything I’ve ever wanted, and I’m scared of anything ever coming between us!!