Have to do everything 😩

Does anyone else’s kid prefer them over daddy for everything?

My six month old daughter will scream and push away from daddy when he tries to rock her, but fall asleep instantly with me. She’s like that with everything, extra fussy during feeding/burping if he does it, cries more often if I’m not there while they play or read...

It’s super frustrating on both parts because I can’t take any time away or get any extra sleep because she does nothing but cry the whole time. And he’s upset because he feels like she doesn’t like him and ends up standing by while I put her to bed and everything...

Not to mention I’m an at home mom while he works nights, so I do most of the cleaning and child care during the day while he sleeps..

It’s getting too much.

She got sick this last week and now takes at least an hour to put to bed, even naps..

(And wakes up multiple times a night now, when it used to be just once)

I hate being the only one who can do it ...