New to staying at home


My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over 2 years. We don't have any kids together but in July he got a new job which requires him to travel around the U.S. for work. I quit my job that I had been at for over a year and now I travel with him. I absolutely LOVED my job and was literally so heartbroken to leave it. Now I mainly hang out in the hotel room or sometimes go sight seeing. My dream career is to be an author someday so I've been doing a lot more writing too. It's been a few months but I'm still having trouble adjusting to everything. I'm a very independent woman so it's hard for me to have to depend on him for everything and ask for money. Do you guys have any advice for me? How did you feel when you first became a stay at home mom?

*I posted in this group because I figured I would get more relatable comments.