“Godmother” means nothing

I may sound jealous.. upset over nothing.. but maybe I am.. I have a best friend whom named me the godmother of both of her kids. I’ve been there from the beginning for her. From getting her a crib, changing table, car seat, etc.. throwing the baby shower.. them living with us.. always being each others person to vent to, shoulder to cry on.. I’m not a “emotional” person per say in the sense of making long cute posts or anything like that but will send her paragraphs about how amazing she is when she’s feeling down.. hell, I catch so much shit for “caring and showing so much attention” to her over my family... I’m going through my own slumps and depression.. but it’s almost like putting my energy into trying to make the life of her and her kids better makes me feel better.. but what is it on Facebook all of the time?? Outpouring of praise to people doing barely anything for her.. people she will sit there and bitch to me about their lack of caring or how they’re pissing her off?? One of my favorites “In the past month I’ve received so much support from people I barely know...” meanwhile every time she’s having a really bad, breakdown day, I’m rushing past my mess of a house to go clean hers! To cook her dinner! To scrub the shit off everything from walls to toys because the kids are playing in it 🙃 whiles she naps.. absolutely nothing said about me though.. not that I’m looking for the praise but it’s almost like a slap to the face when you praise everyone, every time, for minute things.. but never not once me? I don’t feel appreciated or even on an equal level as friends (she’s completely insensitive to my fertility issues, but’s that’s a whole other topic🙄) Then to make things worse tonight, and the reason for this post 😂 sorry 😅 is because she tagged one of the aunts, the one she is with the most, in a post saying “best aunt and godmother”... I was shattered.. the one thing I was holding onto most? Being the best godmother I could be.. we had our issues as friends but damn.. Does nothing you do or being godmother mean nothing anymore?? I just feel lower than low right now and purposeless with no actual friends.. family issues.. and lowest point financially.. life’s great.. thanks for coming to my rant 😔