Professional baby thief


As someone who grew up wth their mom as a foster parent that has also adopted, I think the funniest thing I’ve ever heard someone call her is a “professional baby stealer” 🤣🤣

On god. I can’t contain myself with that one. I’ve heard people call my mom all sorts of insults like “whore” because they didn’t take the time to figure out that she adopted her children and just assumed she just had 800 absent baby daddies. But I think this one, was the most insulting. Rant ahead.

What you see is 4 adopted children. One of which was her biological mothers 12th or 13th child, I can’t remember. Born at 27 weeks addicted to drugs and left at the hospital. Her mom just left her there.

She was brought home to us healthy 10 days later AS A 27 WEEKER (okay I’m done boasting about my sister)

There was no fight. Her uncle had adopted all of her brothers (she’s the only girl) and he told my mom he couldn’t take another baby because he was overwhelmed. My mom adopted her at 18 months.

The others, their mom had many many chances and the state decided it was in the children’s best interest to terminate her rights. They very nearly were back with their mom, but she did something that in OKDHS’s eyes was not acceptable and lost them again.

Before that happened, you didn’t see that my mom invited their mother to everything to help then transition into going back home with her. She was with us nearly everyday and if she wasn’t, they were spending the night with her. then the thing happened and she lost her last chance.

OKDHS made that decision, not my mom.

What you didn’t see is the 100 kids that came through our home in a 10 year time span. What you didn’t see is that the vast majority of them either went back to their parents or to kinship. what you didn’t see was my mom bonding with these families and helping reunite them. You didn’t see the parents who, after getting their kids back came to visit us and thanked my mom and hugged her while crying. You don’t get notes in the mail from a child’s grandma thanking our family for just loving her. What you didn’t see is our family expanding.. not by blood, and not by adoption, But just by the fact that the people my mom gave birth to and the people she adopted aren’t the only ones who call her mom.

You don’t see the fact that I have a sister who’s not my sister by anything other than the fact that she’s just my sister because we say so and the only one looking for an explanation is you.

All 6502 (clearly a joke number) of us do not owe you an explanation.

But what I will tell you is that we ain’t no baby snatchers. That is the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.