I need to know if I’m out of line...


So my husband has two best friends. He’s been friends with them almost 8 years. Basically his one friend is in a certificate training class online and doesn’t work. We are all 24. His friend “C” lives with his parents in a really small house with 5 other people. C’s dad cut his internet and told him that he can only use it for classes until he gets a job and starts helping pay bills. So my husband has come up with this “brilliant” idea to let C move in with us. He’s been basically pressuring his friend into it. I played with the idea at first until his friend C spent 7 days at our house visiting. He wasn’t even supposed to be here that damn long but somehow ended up being here for a week. He goes to class 2-3 days a week and during that one week with us he missed every single class. He slept on out couch in the basement all day. Only getting up to use the bathroom. Other than that he sleeps, eats, and plays video games all day. I tried talking to my husband and telling him how I felt and my husband is saying that “C” has no support system and we should be motivating him and not tearing him down. We have two kids and I’m pregnant. I have enough trouble motivating myself to get out of bed let alone motivating a grown ass man to attend his classes. I told my husband that and he said that he will do it, that he will set alarms on his phone to make c go to class and get his life together. I love my husband and I know he wants to help him but I seriously can not do it. I just can not have another person to try and “motivate”. I know I sound like a bitch but I’m tired and pregnant and have a toddler and a 7 year old. I don’t want another grown human as my responsibility. My husband thinks I’m being heartless. And maybe I am. Idk. What would you do!?