Need to rant

shawna • Just living life, workin my butt off, I’m a mom and a wife, and trying for #2, I don’t do excuses so if there’s a will there’s a way

So October 27th my son turned 4 but that’s not all my husband step brother and his girlfriend announced that they were pregnant... we have been trying for 2 years and nothing... I saw the post while my hubby was getting ready for work I cried for 3 hours so of course later that day my mother in law just walks in all excited which she should be it’s her first biological grand child but it’s what my aunt and mother said in unison ... your not getting any younger and your 35 your told old for a baby and so is your son ... that’s what hurt... I work in retail so I stress a lot my husband works 12-15 hour days so he’s under stress but to say that to me in front of 15 people that’s what hurt ... we try every month I track, count, test, eat healthy, I walk a lot, and so does he. Seriously why say that why put our struggle out there ?? I’m heartbroken and still upset about it and I haven’t spoke to my mom since she left the next day.

I just needed to rant that’s all