hymen issues

hey ladies! i’m 17 and just had a hymenectomy yesterday. i wanted to shed some light on / see if anyone else had the same issue about their hymen!

so, for starters, i’ve always had this issue with my vagina. when i first got my period and tried to use tampons, they almost always got stuck and i had an extremely difficult and painful time trying to get them out. i was never able to penetrate myself alone while masturbating, except for with only one finger. then, when i lost my virginity, my boyfriend had a hard time penetrating me for a long time, and when he finally did, i was in extreme amounts of pain and bled like a murder scene.

i finally got fed up, after six years of this mystery problem, and decided to go to my gynecologist to see what the heck was going on down there.

she told me that i had a septate hymen, which is basically an extra thick piece of hymen tissue that goes vertically across my vagina. this sounds crazy, but she actually was able to pull it down and show it to me, and it looked like a thick rubber band. this is what had been causing me so much pain during the one time i had sex and the years of trying to penetrate myself / use tampons.

she told me i would be able to have it surgically removed, and yesterday, i underwent the five minute procedure, and now it’s gone! it takes about six weeks to heal fully and honestly, the surgery was not painful at all (they numbed the area obviously).

i know a lot of girls like myself have similar issues and misconceptions can occur. for a while, i actually believed that i had a condition called vaginismus, which is basically where you psychologically will not allow yourself to be penetrated, because your vaginal muscles clench up any time an attempt to penetrate it occurs. another misconception i had was that my vagina was abnormally tight.

so, the moral of the story: always, always go to the gynecologist if you have any kind of issue down there! never just assume you know what is going on. they will help you more than you know.

if you or someone you know has also had an issue with their hymen, please leave a comment! i would love to know that i’m not alone in having this problem, lol!! thanks so much for reading, and i hope i was able to shed some light on this little known issue 💓