No bedroom life

Hi ladies!

I'm in need of advise or just to vent a bit.

Hubby and I have been TTC for e years now, with no success. I went for all the tests possible and found nothing on my side (I also have 1 son, aged 7 from a previous relationship).

Anyway... So I have asked him multiple times to do a semen analysis test. Few months down the line and he agreed. He went for the test on Monday morning. Didnt want me to go with him at all. I let him be and do it on his own. And ever since then he is extremely distant. Doesn't really talk to me. Havent even touched me round about 8 days ago. And I have tried to persuade/seduce him. With absolute no success.

Is it because of the tests? Because I really do feel lonely and depressed because of him been so distant. Is it my fault because of the test?

He was not fond of the idea to get a semen analysis test from the beginning and did not like the idea. He was against it from the beginning. However it had to be done.