Working In fast food while pregnant

Has anyone worked in fast food while pregnant? I didnt work with my first child but I just found out I'm pregnant again however I'm terrified. Ive had 4 miscarriages since my first was born 2 and a half years ago and these have all happened after I started working. I found out about this latest one when I was on a week vacation for was my first day back and I felt like shit the whole time my back hurt, i had cramps constantly and it honestly terrified me...I have no idea on how to keep working and make sure everything is okay with this baby. My obgyn doesnt deliver or do ultrasounds at there facility so I wont know if every thing will be okay until after they beleive I'm 8 weeks( had a misscariage last month and never had my period before getting pregnant again so no idea how far along until ultrasound is done...they are going off of when my last menstrual cycle should have started)