What does it mean when a child does these things?

This is mainly what I experienced growing up. Were these normal or abnormal behaviors, and what did they mean?

* For lack of a better word, the description was moving one arm constantly. It was stretching the arm up and down for a period of time.

I knew what I was doing.

* Blinking constantly. A classmate back in elementary school said that every 14 or (insert number) of seconds a baby dies. Then, I started blinking nonstop and became addicted to blinking. I knew what I was doing. However, my eyes would twitch suddenly at random times of the day for a few seconds. I couldn’t stop the twitching, and it has been happening almost all my life.

* Brushing the nose constantly. It would just be feeling the nose with two fingertips or just brushing the nose constantly using one finger. I would do this for a period of time even when thinking too hard without realizing it until I stopped zoning out.

* Running while flapping the arms, pretending to be a bird. I think I knew what I was doing, but I’m unsure. This only happened during 1st or 2nd grade. I was chasing my friends / classmates.

*Plucking the small hairs of my eyebrows and the small hairs on my arms constantly sometimes without even realizing it.

Those behaviors are what I can remember. I don’t remember doing anything else.

- Crying without saying anything. I was known as the crybaby during elementary school. I would cry a lot for something so simple as borrowing a pencil or asking for one to use.

I would cry for not winning a game (only when I was with family and probably friends). I would cry for things not going my way. I would cry when I lost a game (in tutorials during 4th grade).

I could control the crying at some point. I forced myself to cry sometimes, but that is another story. >In short, it was to make something out of nothing. Example: Having a crush on someone and wanting it to make it seem *real* love, but it was infatuation. I heard of the “if it’s more than a few months, it’s love” thing from the Internet, so I thought by crying (forcing myself to) would make it better or become a reality to “prove” that my love for my crush was real.

What did these behaviors mean? Were they normal? Were they issues? This happened during my younger years. I’m currently almost an adult, and I’m only brushing my nose when thinking deeply or out of habit, nothing else. What did these mean when I was a child?

I was going to go to the doctors for a scan or checkup, but my parents refused to take me.

I don’t know anything as of now only that I’m a somewhat healthy individual with no diagnosis or anything.