Question! Every detail is important...


My ex got ahold of me and explained his feelings and his love for me and apologized for the way things ended.

Now the breakup itself wasn’t for a terrible reason. It was more confusing then anything. All of a sudden we just completely drifted apart and broke up. It happened within a couple days and was really weird.

I told him from the beginning, “Don’t say I love you unless you’re absolute 100% sure you mean it please. I’ve heard those words misused 1,000 times before...”. And he said them after 5 months before I did.

I thought I wouldn’t be such a terrible idea to get back with him because he’s the only man I’ve ever felt 100% comfortable with and felt a certain type of unexplainable emotional connection and physical (besides the point ;).

But I was talking to my mother about it recently and her long time boyfriend had mentioned something. People never change. He seemed very very certain. And of course I’ve had experience with the never changing part when it comes to men. But here the only main thing is during the relationship I didn’t always feel like a priority and we both had a lot of trust issues from past relationships that we tried working through. Honesty is HUGE in our relationship.

So my question is.. Marry him or Don’t...?