The pressure of having more kids

I had my first child in 2017. After she turned 2 every single person I know started asking when I'm having the second one.

Like having just 1 kid is not an option at all. I'm just exhausted.

I had a group of friends, and I had to stop meeting them. Between the "you know nothing about being tired. Having one kid is so easy" and the "you are a stay at home mom? What are you going to do when your kid goes to school".

My husband is pissed to. He keeps saying his next will be "why you don't stfu". No one in his family has just 1 kid, so same thing.

Why the pressure? We enjoy our daughter so much. Is that selfish?

I honestly don't understand.

She is almost 3 and I am 32. Is not like my uterus will be rotten tomorrow. We are not ready to welcome another human being into our family yet for different reasons.

I feel isolated from the world. Sucks