6 MONTHS Exclusively Breastfeeding!

Next week my baby will be 6 months and with that milestone comes one of my own. I will have been breastfeeding my little one for 6 months! This is not meant as a "breast is best" post or to put down any Mama's. Feeding and caring for a baby is damn hard no matter what. But this is a meaningful milestone for me. I have PPA and from the start being a mother was so much harder than I could have imagined. My PPA is debilitating some days and I feel like a failure as a mother, but I did this. I breastfed my baby even when I didn't want to. At 2 am when my nipples were bleeding and and I could hardly stay awake. When my milk came in and my already huge boobs were engorged and heavy and I just wanted my body back. I was able to do this one thing for my baby girl and I feel so good about it. We are starting solids next week and plan on continuing to breastfeed for as long as my little one needs. Everything has been such a struggle and this small victory means so much to me.