Can't stop crying and im so pissed at him

I go for weekly ultrasounds for my daughter due to GD and i'm scheduled to get induced in 2 weeks. During my ultrasound today the tech wasn't telling me much, i had never had her before and all the other techs tell me and show me everything...this one didn't. My daughter wasn't moving and no matter what we did she wouldn't move. She had a heartbeat which was a little reassuring but she wasn't moving. The tech sent me up to labour and delivery to get checked out and said "shes probably just sleeping really hard" when we got up there the nurses hooked me up to monitors and i was panicking and freaking out, i couldn't stop crying. During this time, my fiancé sat on a chair across the room and took out his phone and started playing games. I was mind blown. I didn't know what to say or not, and of course i was hurt and made me cry even more. They ended up checking her out and she was ok, she started moving about 15 minutes later and they said the tech was right and she was probably just sleeping really hard. I didn't talk to him the whole way home and to top it off when we got home he told me he was going to see his buddies and left. I don't know how to react or what to do. I really don't wanna fight with him but i can't even look at him without crying because i'm so hurt.