
Has anyone ever made it out of depression ? & never went back ?.. I feel mine kicking in already . The lack of motivation . I’m always stuck with the thought of fighting it off , wanting to go out with friends , do more family stuff go to the park go to family cook outs , eat as I’m suppose too & not once a day . But I feel so drained I tell myself , tomorrow I will get up early shower brush my teeth , eat how I’m suppose to & get out the house & free myself from these ugly thoughts & be better for myself . but when tomorrow comes I am once again stuck feeling drained unmotivated & trap myself again in these train of thoughts . & sleep it off . I shut out the whole world including the people that love me . I know I can do this I know I can be better for myself I know that I have to push my self to take the first step which is the hardest but I know once I take it , I’ll be closer to getting out of this . I just hate that I put up the littlest excuse why to do it tomorrow instead .. a repeating cycle .. Or is it that I became addicted to some sort of sadness . .