dentist anxiety (abit long)


I have anxiety and bipolar but this is way more about my anxiety. I have to get a wisdom tooth removed one..the dentist says it will take a whole 20 mins and it’s no big deal.. I have opted for just freezing cuz the idea of being so drugged up I’ll forget the procedure  also scares the shit out of me. I asked if they could give like a Ativan clorazapam or somthing like that they refused.. I asked if my husband could be there they refused. I asked to be put right to sleep they refused.

I explained they r not being very understanding about my anxiety I mean I shake when I’m getting my teeth cleaned!

I have no idea how I’m going to do this I swear the surgeon will be pulling my tooth out as I have a panic attack.. I don’t no what to do I have to have this tooth removed.

Any suggestions? ways I can cope through this anything?

I think the dentist thinks I’m being difficult for no good reason.