I am no longer safe. I feel it

I live in a abusive house hold. I’m 17, & bout to be 30 weeks pregnant. I live in Florida too. My mom is insane and puts her hands on me. Today she swore I put my hands on her. So she called 911 had police come out. She had punched me in the face. Turned the story around and said I tried to kill her. (WTF!!!) The officer said he couldn’t arrest me that my mom was so unstable she couldn’t calm down begging them to take me in. (she wants me to lose my child and she knows that’s the only way left, and she’s pissed dcf is taking me out of the home, because then who’s she’s got to abuse??) the officer comes over to me and says she HAS every right to lay hands on me pregnant or not and I cannot defend myself (because after she punched me I pushed her off me). Oh yeah that’s what I want to hear. I told him I do not feel safe, yet DCF is in our house for the abuse it’s been going on since I was young and they just now found proof of it. And will be removing me but time is the issue things are getting worse and I can’t take it!! I’m tired! I have no idea what to do and I don’t mean to be rude in this rant if it comes off any way. I’m just scared,depressed, stressed, horrified because my baby could be killed in all the physical violence that goes down.