Are 2.5 year olds CAPABLE of listening?

wife of stones • 💙HBAC mama💙

I need help. I need help because my son NEVER LISTENS TO ME. I can say “no don’t touch that it’ll burn you” and he looks me dead ass in the face and does it anyways. I can say “come here, it’s time to get dressed” 73 times and he pretends he’s deaf. I’ve tried the counting thing. I’ve tried phrasing it with “I want you to ___. If you do not listen to mama, you will go into summer time” and do a 5 min “timeout”. I’ve tried speaking louder and slower, quieter, singing songs, playing games.

Like he legit DOES NOT EVER listen to me. So someone, PLEASE give me advice to keep my kid safe because he’s always getting into danger/trouble and also even when he’s not he’s testing every nerve I have and I’m just exhausted 😭

I need ADVICE and HELP and SUPPORT or ENCOURAGEMENT at the very least, not judgement. I literally don’t think I can emotionally handle any type of rudeness at this point y’all. Please fucking be kind.