Help! Why are men like this?😭


Update: He called me text me this morning saying "I don't deserve you." And then he called at the same time he usually calls (on his way to work). He told me he found out his ex is pregnant with the man she cheated on him with (around this time last year) and he was heartbroken. He said he couldn't find the words to tell me yesterday. He said he just wanted to be alone and talk to no one at all yesterday. He says he doesn't want to lose me but at this point, it's becoming too much. I know I continued to be in a relationship knowing he still had feelings for his ex but I feel like we cant really move on until he's over her.

So my boyfriend and I live 1.5 hours away from each other. I have 2 daughters. He has not met them yet because I made the mistake of bringing a bf around my daughters too soon, thinking he was the one. I dont want my daughters to meet any boyfriend of mine until we've been together for at least a year for their own sanity. I'll consider 6 months if things are great but no less than that. We're barely going on 4 months. Since I have them M-F and we both work M-F, I dont see him until friday night and i stay the whole weekend. Things were great until I started feeling him distant. Then he confessed to me that he started texting another girl but he stopped. He said he wanted to be with me and he didnt want to ruin that. He also confessed that he still had feelings for his ex but he has feelings for me too. At this point, idk what to think do or say. We said we were gonna give each other a few days to think about what we want. He called me the next day and told me he wanted to be with me. So I decided to give him another chance. Good idea? Idk. He went on a mini vacation for a wedding. I decided, I was going to trust him. Although we didnt talk often, He called me every night and sent pictures. He came back on Wednesday night. My daughters dad went on a trip this weekend so my daughters stayed with me so we didnt see each other. We were supposed to meet halfway today at 430. We talked in the morning, everything was good he even sent me memes and pictures of places we should visit (like usual) around 1. At 3 I called, no answer. So I'm thinking he's sleeping. An hour later I called again. Still no answer. 2 hours later, I see him active on social media. I text him. No response. So i stopped. I haven't heard from him since and honestly, my heart hurts a little. Ok a lot. I talked to my guy best friend about this. He told me he's probably just drunk right now and to wait it out, that its probably nothing. My friend is ruthless, he'll tell me straight up what he thinks and from a man's point of view.

Side story 1: when we talked yesterday, he said he was going to surprise me with Laker tickets to go in 2 weeks but then we started talking about going to Disneyland instead and itd be cheaper. We looked at prices and theres a so-call resident 3 day pass. We also both got year passes to universal studios in january. He also told me that his name was finally gonna be taken off of his exes car. They still had that to tie them together plus a couple of bills. One of the bills was also canceled yesterday. That's one of the things I told him he had to do if he wanted us to work out, cut all ties with her. So theres that.

Side story #2: My daughters don't know he's my bf but they know of him because I talk to him on the phone. They've never met him but they have talked to him on some occasions and to them, he's my friend. When I was talking to him last night, My oldest (7) said "are you talking to your stupid boyfriend?" She got that from her dad from the last bf I had. She didnt mean it cause she regretted it afterwards and wanted to apologize to him. But he heard. And I know that probably made him feel shitty. At the beginning of our relationship he told me he's never dated someone with kids and it scared him. So you can imagine how scared he is now lmao. I don't blame my daughter at all though and although he shouldn't think too deep into it, I know he is and I dont blame him.

Again, idk what to do think or say. I'm not gonna text nor call. I feel like giving up but maybe I'm overthinking? He's the type of person if he's mad or upset or sad about something, he shuts down and he just wants to be alone and not talk about it otherwise he'll blow up and say hurtful things. He hasn't done it to me but I've witnessed that already. I'm feeling so hurt right now and I'm an over thinker so right now, all sorts of crazy things are going through my head. Does it sound like he may be cheating? Or maybe he's not into me and wants to call it quits?