We are expecting 2 days before 7 year anniversary

Nadia • 2 Corinthians 5:7 “Walk by faith, not by sight” PCOS is a faith shaking syndrome that leaves a wanting to be mother trying to see the light when it’s so dark yet I have god by my side and he shall guide me. I must walk by faith not by sight. For he knows

So my partner is transgender (MTF) and we have been trying to conceive naturally for going on three years in May with Clomid assistance due to my PCOS. We decided January was going to be last time of trying with Clomid due to the 4th time of me taking it. She was sad because we wanted to have a second child before starting hormones due to how hard it’s been for me to conceive. About two weeks ago she found a doctor and has a appointment with him this week. Yesterday marked two weeks late which for me is no big deal as PCOS causes that. However I have had some early pregnancy signs and just ignored them as they can also be server PMS from PCOS and late period. Well she tossed me a pregnancy test yesterday at like 12pm and of course I was like it’s not going to show because of how late in day it is......omg she was right and I was wrong 5 test later all positive. We are expecting our second child and before the hormones kick in. This couldn’t have been a better blessing