I feel neglected

I feel my husband always take his buddies so important. Before marriage, he required some “guys times and late night” with his buddies, even I was not happy that he spent more times with them, but I also put up to him. But now, even after we married, he still spend late night and guys times with them frequently, he even left me at home alone just go out with them. I talked to him, he brushed it off, he said they are friends since young, but he must know he is married, he should spend more times with his spouse than his friends, he can’t request his life same as he was single. If he brought me out together or wanted to back home early sometimes, they will make fun of him such as scare wife or no longer brotherhood, so that y he rather to go out alone with them. He even lent his friend such amount of money , despite that we are unemployed now and need these money to survive. In these times like that, I feel like I married the wrong man, who treasures friends more than anything. Please tell me what I should do? What do u think in this kind of situation?