Anyone have labor advice!!


I want a natural birth so so so bad.

My first was a home birth transfer ended in a csection

Second was a hospital vbac

With pit and an epidural.

First born I was in hard labor for 5 days at home and never progressed past 3 at home and once in the hospital I hit 4cm and could stop throwing up and when my temp hit 103 they wanted me to do a c section

Second I was having false labor for days. And finally started losing my plug and once contractions got to hard to handle they were 1 minute long every 3 minutes for hours I went to the hospital to find I was only 3 cm dilated.

Once I hit 4cm I was puking and shaking in between each contraction

I was a freakin wreck. I could not stop throwing up ended up dehydrated and sure enough they convinced me I needed an epidural to help me relax.

Anyway I'm pregnant with my third and realllly want to go natural but I'm worried I just cant handle it. I cant understand why I start getting so sick from 3-4cm

I am going to plan another natural possibly home birth but I am so worried I'll hit 4cm again and need to transfer.

I need some encouragement. I know I'm made for this but I cant understand why I get so sick. Has anyone else thrown up through put their natural labor and made it work still?