Lorazepam (ativan)

Tatum, Zora & Amara`s Muva 🌹 • 26|Navy Wife| Mommy.

Has anyone ever had a bad experience with ativan? i was prescribed as needed for 10 days and i haven't started because of the mixed stories. I try to deal with my ppd drug as possible..i started therapy, cbd and i have stress vitamo5that actually help but my main problem is my depersonalization disorder..i feel disconnected all day everyday and i feel like im losing my mind..no anxiety or panic attacks just always feeling like im not here..lime everything around me feels fake and it keeps me from doinf normal task like driving myself around or even getting out of bed...im in nursing school online due to the virus for now, but i know that will change..i have a practical in the morning and cannot focus..ive been sittin in my livingroom crying for the last 10 minutes juat asking God to give me back my mind..i dont wanr to cause self half...i know im okay but im scared right now..