Someone be my miracle


Okay I’m tired, I need answers. What does this sound like??? Please anyone who has experienced these, they’ve run tests and still can’t find out what’s wrong with me. So if you can help me. Please. Thank you. I was also tested for covid so that’s a negative. And yes I am following up with doctors but I’m frustrated that nobody can diagnose me.

Symptoms I’m having

Constipation followed by diarrhea through the day (acts up mainly when drinking water or drinking anything or hitting my vape)


Throwing up

Body aches

Neck(big time)


Horrible headaches

Sensitivity to light and sounds

Sweating excessively and then one minute getting cold and get chills

I tremble inside (like chills inside of my body)

Chest hurt sometimes

No appetite

Feels literally like my body is dying

I feel like I’m dying

Loss of connection with reality

See light squiggles in the air (like blue and purple) sometimes stars

Get up too fast and can’t see anything but black

I get a baby burst of energy throughout the day but only one