HELP: How do I soften a break up??

Mez • +they/them+ If my name changes it’s just part of my identity crisis🙃

My boyfriend is a really nice guy, he’s polite and chivalrous, but he never puts in any unnecessary effort. He never texts first, never calls or picks up never invites me anywhere or asks me how I’m doing unless I ask him first. His mom is crazy and grounds him at random, which is part of it, but I can’t keep doing this. I stayed up all night making him a birthday present, but half an hour before we were going to meet up, he tells me he got grounded for staying out too late fishing with his dad on his birthday. I can’t take it anymore. He always cancels, he never gives me gifts(neither Christmas nor Valentines Day. Not even a shitty card), he hasn’t held my hands or complimented me, and I want to break up with him. I want to be happy but I don’t want to break his heart right after his birthday and I’ll be out of state for over a week... I can’t do it in person because he won’t come, but it’s a dick move to break up over text. Help me😣

Update: I couldn’t do it. I called him but the second I heard his voice, I just broke down crying... he heard me crying and he tried to calm me down and kept asking what was wrong and he sounded scared. I told him that I didn’t think we were doing well and it feels like we’re just friends and I kept stuttering and I couldn’t get my words out. We talked for a while and decided to try again and see where it goes. I’m worried that nothing will change, but I just really really missed him and I still care about him and I really like him still. I hope it wasn’t a mistake and I believe it won’t be.