Will it ever get better?

Military life is hard. My boyfriend is dealing with major depression, but can’t show it or he risks losing his job. He’s getting his ass kicked day in and day out by his division that’s he’s stuck in for another month, and there’s nothing I can do to help him but tell him how strong he is, and I’m by his side. His little brother wants to join the navy, and my boyfriend is doing everything in his power to stop him from making that mistake. I can’t butt in and help, because we haven’t been together long. Although I’ve known him for 7 years, and we were best friends for 2, it’s till not my place. We’ve only been dating for 3 months, and I have no right to fight by his side when it comes to convincing his little brother not to join. I can’t stand to see the day my boyfriend and his little brother scream at each other when he decides to join. I’ll have to be there to calm him, and make sure it doesn’t get out of hand. He’s only trying to protect his little brother, and I 100% stand by that.

I wish I could take his pain away. I wish he wouldn’t re-enlist in 3 years. I cant stand to see him in so much pain and agony. Ultimately it is his choice, it’s up to him whether he can take another 3-6 years in the navy, and there’s nothing I can do to stop him. It’s not my place. I’m just here to love and support.