Adjusting to new sibling


Any advice on how to help my 3.5 year old transition better to his new baby brother? We are on day 5 now and it’s been a struggle. He loves his brother and loves helping with him. Also does a great job giving me ideas on why the baby is crying such as needing his paci or being hungry. We did a lot of prep prior to baby arriving such as talking about it and reading a ton of books and trying to get him/keep him excited.

The past 5 days, however, he’s so emotional and moody. One second he’s having a blast and then the next second he’s throwing an epic tantrum because you offered him an activity he doesn’t want to do. He’s normally very polite and level headed (as level as a toddler can be) so tantrums, especially of this magnitude are very uncharacteristic of him.

At this point, the baby is very low maintenance so we haven’t had to tell him to wait or no to something because of the baby. We’ve pretty much been able to keep his standard routine and do/play whatever he wants.

I think it’s all just a big adjustment for him and I completely understand that, I just hate seeing him struggle emotionally like this and want to do everything I can to help him through it.

Any and all suggestions, recommendations or words of advice are appreciated!