Another cycle down the drain

Why why why is this so hard! I was pregnant in September and just that quick lost it 10 days later! And here I am still not pregnant two cycles later. It's getting to the point I'm almost over trying for #4, been trying since April! I tested a few days early, and to me my opinion is it lessens the blow when AF shows up. At least I know she's coming and not hoping I'm pregnant. But it's all draining me. It consumes me 😕.  
DH had gave up drinking and lately he's been having himself a stiff one, I think he's tired of the TTC process too. I can't blame him and I just let him drink a couple times a week, not like it seems to matter. 
I may delete glow for a while and just use FF as I only use it for tracking. Whereas glow I find myself tempted to testearly and  engage in wishful topics I think is adding my stress levels. 
Had I not lost my baby in September i would be 13 weeks 😔. 
Maybe with the holidays my mind won't be on a baby. I pray that's the case. I hope all of you ladies trying get BFP's for Christmas!!