Why does this make me so upset...

I've been sick with drainage crap since Tuesday. Nothing serious... My boyfriend and I hung out on Wednesday and I haven't seen him since. Thursday he was busy, and Friday I hung out with my friends and he hung out with his. I told him Thursday night that I want me and him to do something on Saturday and he promised that we would. Well now it's Saturday and he's saying he doesn't wanna hang out cause he doesn't wanna get sick, and his friend has extra tickets to a Vandy game, so he's going.... Am I wrong for thinking that he should be with me today like he promised? I honestly could not tell you that last time we hung out just me and him.... And it also hurts that he doesn't wanna be around me cause he "doesn't wanna get sick." I love being around him when he's sick because I like to comfort and take care of him. I always tell him if something better comes up, his plans with me are off..... Maybe I'm overthinking this....I don't know.  😞