Yearning for love

My last relationship was awful. It broke me mentally and emotionally. I was taken advantage of and torn apart every day. Manipulated and constantly made to be the villain. Ive always been afraid of love and the pain it would bring. My parents feel in love by love at first sight. I’ve always been a hopeless romantic and I loved the idea of love but was afraid of it at the same time. Thinking now about what I went through last year hurts me. I was this simple hopeless romantic who gave everything to my ex. He didn’t deserve the love I gave him and he never reciprocated it back to me. Instead he left me for another girl. I just want to be held. I want to actually feel love. I’ve never experienced it before and I want it so much. But I’m afraid of it even more now. I don’t want to get hurt like that again and made to be this evil villain when all I did was give everything to them. I just want to feel loved