Feeling overwhelmed

My husband and I had our baby 3 weeks ago. The birth was nothing I had hoped for and ended up with an emergency c section and not being able to hold my baby for 24 hours afterward due to her not breathing on her own. We were in the hospital for 4 days, then went home. The first week of being home was great, my husband was extremely helpful around the house and very hands on with baby. Once he went back to work however he decided he could no longer help during the night because he was too tired at work during the day. He has a physical job so I tried to be understanding and comprise with me going to bed much earlier so I could at least get a solid 3 hours of sleep in before having her all night. Every night he has brought her up either, awake, hungry, crying or still needing to be changed. I’ve tried talking to him about it but he doesn’t seem to understand or change. Every night that I go up early he seems upset with me that I’m going to bed and somehow always needs me for something. If she cries and I end up getting up to help because he can’t console her he just goes to bed and leaves me to do it alone...

I am feeling extremely overwhelmed and like I am expected to do this alone. It doesn’t help that he works for his parents and they continue to tell us that his mom did it all during the first 6 weeks since she wasn’t working.

On top of all of that I am also feeling extremely unhappy and worried about my body. I have always been a body conscious person. During pregnancy I felt absolutely disgusting, and now that I’m 3 weeks out the feeling still hasn’t gone away. I’ve already lost all of the weight that I gained but obviously things just do not look the same. And I’m extremely worried about have the “c section pooch” and knowing that if I do there will be no way to get rid of it.. between the 2 problems I feel like I could cry (or actually end up crying) more than I ever have before.

I’m not sure if this is postpartum depression or if it’s just sheer frustration.

I love my baby more than I can possibly explain and I love my husband. But i can’t shake the feeling of my needs are completely being ignored and feeling so disgusted with my body.