What is too much?

So. I just have a few questions I need opinions on please girls.

I’m talking to this guy, have been for a while. He’s quite a dry texter and isn’t best at communicating. He’s very black and white.

Me however is every colour you can imagine.

We get on well there’s a mutual understanding we both have for each other which is nice.

But, idk. When I ask him how is work, it’s like he doesn’t even read it, and he’ll be like. “ I’ve finished now” won’t even acknowledge the question or what I’ve said.

He does it often, other times I’ve been talking about a Netflix series and he hasn’t even consumed anything I said and will go completely off topic

Is this normal? Is this just a guy thing that guys do? I don’t know. I’ve talked to him about it and he’s said he’s not being weird with me that’s just how he is.. but I have MAJOR anxiety and it still kinda upsets me.

I just need to know it’s normal.


How often would you say is seeing too much of someone? Is 3/4 days a week too much?