*Long post*

So If you're someone who can relate I have questions. I've been with my SO for 6 years, we aren't married. We got together young (we're now 21 and 23) and we have 1 and 2 year old boys. Pregnant with our third. I probably should've left years ago. It's gone so downhill, I'm a mom, I've grown so much and my kids have taught me so much in these last few years but it seems like their dad is just acting like a 23 year old with no responsibility, he is a good dad to the boys for the most part and I understand he's still young but at the same time I'm constantly stuck in the house (SAHM) whenever I want to do anything he freaks out, doesnt want to watch the kids, if he does, an hour into anything as simple as grocery shopping I'm getting texts about how it shouldn't take this long. Anyone with kids this young and close in age knows its chaotic. I try my hardest and this pregnancy has been really hard on me. I'm 35 weeks and hurt badly, I've been begging him to help clean the house up, help with laundry, setting things up for the baby. I'm being induced close to 39 weeks so it's coming up so fast. He hasn't done anything, some days chasing the boys around is too much for me and I dont get around to cleaning up the house completely, tonight I asked him to make dinner and he complained about the dishes not being all the way done. There aren't a lot at all but he always finds something to complain about. He's cussing and raising his voice to me asking why it's never clean, why I cant just get it done. He said "it's not that hard, it's literally a one person job" after I told him I needed his help. Trust me I've tried so hard these last few days, getting up and making breakfast, getting the boys ready for the day, giving them time and attention, cleaning in between everything, laying them down for naps then trying to eat my own lunch only for one of them to wake right back up so I dont have time to myself at all but it's okay so he gets a snack and I try to clean more, then his brother wakes up, snack, clean. I make dinner most nights too. My day is full of taking care of the house, kids, and desperately trying to get 5 seconds to take care of myself. He lost his job due to covid so we've been struggling a little, the point is, he's been home messing around and I still don't get any help and every little mess is my fault. I'm exhausted, tonight he was jokingly (maybe) complaining about me so I jokingly said "well leave me then" and he said that he would but he's stuck. I asked him if that was really how he felt and all he kept saying is "I dont know, is it?" So annoying. My poor kids, I dont want them to grow up around us thinking dad cant stand his life with mom. I love this man so much, since high school it's just been unconditional love on my end but I cant really say the same for him. My thoughts recently have been about my boys, he plays "rough" with the boys like I cant right now, they love it and will randomly start playing at night and It makes me so happy to see them happy and enjoying themselves with their dad. When I think about leaving my mind goes straight to thinking that they wont have those random play times that they enjoy so much, my 2 year old wont always get to hangout with his dad while he works on his truck, or rides the go kart. They'll be too young to remember ever seeing mom and dad actually together and happy as a family and that's all I want. I've been wishing he would get it together for us but I cant force someone to love me? I just dont know when he stopped. I'm sad thinking about leaving. He has made some rude comments before about how nobody will want me with 3 kids. The responsibility would fall on me, even though he loves them the last time we left he didnt ask about them for 2 weeks. Aside from my boys, I'm sad to think about how he'll move on from me. I've been begging him to change his attitude towards me so we could work things out but I know another woman will get him and she'll get the best of him and I'm wondering why me, as the mother of his kids apparently wasnt worth it. I'm venting mostly but I guess my main question is if you still felt like you were in love how do you move on, especially with kids from someone who no longer loves you the same way? I'm going to sit down and have a conversation with him about it, but being so close to my due date it breaks my heart and idk how I'll handle moving out when I'm a few weeks from having the baby.