Just wondering about ADHD maybe???

Sam • leftist, nonbinary, bisexual, and greyromantic. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Sorry folks, this’ll be long.

So, I was that “wacky”, sometimes “crazy” kid throughout my childhood, I daydreamed all the time, loved school because I went to elementary school surrounded by woods and we were constantly being stimulated through hands on activities, I was always an anxious kid with shot short term memory and great long term memory. As I’ve gotten older (16 now) I’ve been diagnosed with depression and anxiety (even took a several week sabbatical from high school) and have been in treatment for 1 1/2 years. My short term memory is nonexistent now, I lose my phone, keys, schoolwork, etc. constantly. I started to day dream more and more. If someone’s talking and I’m writing- I will literally write down every other word of that conversation without realizing until proof reading what I wrote. Starting assignments are a nightmare. I think I’ll explode if I don’t say what I’m thinking (even though I’ll get yelled at for interrupting), I need a certain environment to do work and read, I become obsessive with things easily but can throw them away just as quick (so I can’t really stick to habits), and am constantly distracted. Is it possible I have adhd? Oh also when I say I’m being treated for depression and anxiety I mean: I’m on 2 medications, I meditate (barely), do yoga, workout, and also use more woo woo shit like herbs and essential oils, and am starting acupuncture soon (it’s been a 1 1/2 that I’ve been doing this)

I would like to add that I’m in no way trying to diminish the experience of others, so please please please be nice- I’m not trying to be that person trying to be “relatable” ok? I’m sincerely curious.