Christmas gifts debacle

Hi everyone this just happened

I normally give gifts to my son (26), my parents, my sister, her husband and her 4 children (7, 15, 17, 19). I haven't really saved money the last 3 years and recently I finished my graduate studies so I can focus on my finances, especially with Covid-19. I am living with my 2 80+ parents, whose needs are getting greater, they don't want to be put in a senior home and my financial contributions are put into housing and other things. I have siblings who live out of the city, and rarely help and only call when convenient...but that's another story.

I mentioned to my sister, I will be giving a gift to her youngest only because money is tight but I already feel badly we won't be together for Christmas. I mentioned that the other 3 are reaching the age where when we were small, our aunts and uncles stopped give gifts (age 18), so they will understand.

My sister didn't take it well and asked me to write a letter to her kids explaining why they were not receiving a gift....ranting about the idea of gift giving and how she sacrifices her savings to give presents to us, which I never expect from anyone - and then said how her kid needs something and the next kid needs something.

What I haven't mentioned is she also makes comments on the value of the gifts and will "suggest".

I lost it and told her she is being insensitive, knowing I am not married so my concerns are valid as my job isn't secure now because of COVID-19.

Was I right to be angry?

Do I not have a right to give gifts how I want?

She was always spoiled and I am the total opposite...non materialistic.

The irony is the 3 children who she said will be deeply hurt...have cellphones...and I hear nothing from them. When they do visit, they sit in a corner and do not talk to you.

Confused but holding my ground on this.

I hold value in character not in things